Underwater pod drives

2 companies | 5 products
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{{/end}} {{/each}}


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ship pod drive
ship pod drive
ePanda 10.0 POD

Power: 7.5 kW
RPM max: 2,500 rpm

ship pod drive
ship pod drive
ePanda 15.0 POD

Power: 10 kW
RPM max: 600 rpm - 1,200 rpm

ship pod drive
ship pod drive
ePanda 30.0 POD

Power: 20 kW
RPM max: 600 rpm - 1,200 rpm

ship pod drive
ship pod drive

Power: 11, 17 kW
RPM max: 1,350 rpm - 2,240 rpm

... Brushless, perm.magnet electric engine (BLDC). The engine works underwater The engine is fully maintenance free and has a heavy thrust bearing installed A standard shaft f 25mm (2 POD, ...

See the other products
E-Tech Drives
ship pod drive
ship pod drive

... engines are designed for those applications where very high torque is needed. Brushless, perm.magnet electric engine (BLDC). The engine works underwater The engine is fully maintenance free and has ...

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E-Tech Drives
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