Ship pod drives

7 companies | 11 products
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ship pod drive
ship pod drive

... every vessel. Not only the ship itself, but also its propulsion systems have to operate on the highest level of performance. With the mono-propeller propulsion system SISHIP SiPOD-M, Siemens offers you a solution for ...

ship pod drive
ship pod drive
POD 4600

Power: 1,700 ch
RPM max: 2,450 rpm
Torque: 5,000 Nm

... application. The POD 4600 is compatible with all the main marine OEM engines. Details The ZF POD 4600 offers the latest pod-drive technology, complete with transmission, ...

ship pod drive
ship pod drive
ePanda 10.0 POD

Power: 7.5 kW
RPM max: 2,500 rpm

ship pod drive
ship pod drive
ePanda 15.0 POD

Power: 10 kW
RPM max: 600 rpm - 1,200 rpm

ship pod drive
ship pod drive
ePanda 30.0 POD

Power: 20 kW
RPM max: 600 rpm - 1,200 rpm

ship pod drive
ship pod drive
HDP 500

HydroPOD (HPD) is an hydraulic POD. It can transfer to the propel-ler 500 [HP] of power output and 2500 [Nm] of torque. Its shapes, simple and cJean, are the resuit of a spécifie hydrodynamic analysis ...

ship pod drive
ship pod drive

... propellers which results in low propeller load. reduced cavitation and noise more thrust at high speed The pod drive comes with a rigid design in combination with a rudder. This allows for top manoeuvring ...

ship pod drive
ship pod drive

Power: 11, 17 kW
RPM max: 1,350 rpm - 2,240 rpm

... Brushless, perm.magnet electric engine (BLDC). The engine works underwater The engine is fully maintenance free and has a heavy thrust bearing installed A standard shaft f 25mm (2 POD, 4 POD, ...

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E-Tech Drives
ship pod drive
ship pod drive

Hydraulic L-Drive thrusters are thru-hull azimuth thrusters using Thrustmaster’s exclusive hydraulic podded propeller drives. They are available in a range from 75hp ...

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Thrustmaster of Texas
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How to choose this product

The pod drive for ships is an azimuth propulsion system also known as an Azipod®. It uses propellers mounted on pods that can pivot through 360°, giving the vessel great maneuverability. It is usually electrically powered.


These devices are used on large passenger ships requiring great maneuverability in port. However, they are not found on ships of great displacement or those carrying heavy cargoes, such as large tankers and container ships.


The pod drive has two main components. The submerged part, the pod itself, holds the electric motor, propeller shaft and propeller. The steering element connects the pod to the ship. The various possible configurations include Kort nozzle and counter-rotating propellers. Many are traction devices, the propellers facing the bow.

How to choose

Choice will depend on a number of factors, including dimensions, propeller type, shafting and power required for optimal propeller performance.


- Great maneuverability
- Reduced noise and vibration
- Reduced pollution


- Costly
- Limited power