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intervention underwater ROV
intervention underwater ROV

Maximum depth: 300 m
Length: 1,000 mm
Width: 600 mm

... . Optional hand power cable spools and electric winches for vehicle deployment. Standard (300m) or deep-rated (1000m) ROV fitted with five thrusters, vehicle junction box, two LED lights, high resolution colour ...

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Saab Seaeye
intervention underwater ROV
intervention underwater ROV

Maximum depth: 1,000 m
Length: 1,055 mm
Width: 600 mm

... . Optional hand power cable spools and electric winches for vehicle deployment. Standard (300m) or deep-rated (1000m) ROV fitted with five thrusters, vehicle junction box, two LED lights, high resolution colour ...

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Saab Seaeye
intervention underwater ROV
intervention underwater ROV

Maximum depth: 1,500 m
Length: 1,230 mm
Width: 815 mm

... free swimming ROV or in conjunction with a Type 8 Tether Management System (TMS) for depths up to 1500 m. Additional deployment options include an electric winch for free swimming Lynx or an A Frame Launch and Recovery ...

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Saab Seaeye
intervention underwater ROV
intervention underwater ROV

Maximum depth: 200 m
Length: 608 mm
Width: 294 mm

CHASING M2 PRO MAX is an industrial-grade ROV, which is designed for government and enterprise users and adopts a new generation accessory mounting mode, a new generation accessory quick assembly and disassembly technology, ...

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Chasing INNOVATION Tech Co., Ltd.
observation underwater ROV
observation underwater ROV
Investigator 90

Maximum depth: 500 m
Length: 1,100 mm
Width: 700 mm

... feedback Overload protection Power output setting of each thruster ROV LAYOUT The basic configuration of the full I-90 ROV system includes a Main Console, a Deck Cable Junction Box/Winch, the ROV ...

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DWTEK - Subsea Solution Provider
observation ROV
observation ROV
Investigator 90+

Maximum depth: 500 m - 1,000 m
Length: 1,100 mm
Width: 700 mm

A powerful type of observation class ROV, equipped with DWTEK powerful thrusters DWT8537, can withstand open sea strong current. Open configuration, customizable interior, and be able to add functional components, to ...

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DWTEK - Subsea Solution Provider
underwater operation underwater ROV
underwater operation underwater ROV

Maximum depth: 1,000 m
Length: 2,100 mm
Width: 1,300 mm

Design for underwater multipurpose All-electric ROV system: easy to maintain Internal isolation between power supply and signal power supply Open frame structure: high degree of customization High compatibility with a ...

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DWTEK - Subsea Solution Provider
observation ROV
observation ROV

Maximum depth: 300 m
Length: 502 mm
Width: 384 mm

The Steelhead inspection-class ROV is a portable, lightweight and stable underwater system that is easily operated through intuitive flight controls. Its small profile allows this vehicle to inspect confined spaces and ...

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Seamor marine
observation ROV
observation ROV

Maximum depth: 150 m
Length: 480 mm
Width: 267 mm

... radius is 400 meters. The ROV can support a mixture of AC and battery power for unlimited endurance. In addition to general accessories such as robot arm, searchlight and laser caliper, it also supports a variety of exclusive ...

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Shenzhen JTT Technology Co., Ltd
hull cleaning underwater ROV
hull cleaning underwater ROV

Maximum depth: 150 m
Length: 240 cm
Width: 140 cm

MEPUS.UICR (underwater intelligent cleaning robot) is an underwater intelligent cleaning robot,independently developed, designed and produced by our company, which can be used for the cleaning of various large and medium-sized ships, ...

intervention underwater ROV
intervention underwater ROV

Maximum depth: 300 m
Length: 105 cm
Width: 80 cm

ROV300 is a lightweight underwater robot designed by Zhizhen Marine Technology (Weihai) Co., Ltd. for a working depth of 300 meters. The underwater main body of rov300 is equipped with seven DC brushless ...

intervention underwater ROV
intervention underwater ROV

Maximum depth: 130 m

... affordable ROV on the market. The 6-thruster vectored configuration, coupled with strong static stability, provides a vehicle that is smooth and stable, yet highly maneuverable. The BlueROV2 provides the capabilities ...

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pipeline inspection ROV
pipeline inspection ROV

Maximum depth: 300 m

... surface, • Easy maintenance and upgrade. SOFTWARE AND RELATED PRODUCTS Turn-key solution The S-ROV turnkey solution includes: • S-ROV platform, • Umbilical cable (max length 300 m +/- 3%) ...

intervention underwater ROV
intervention underwater ROV

Maximum depth: 50 m - 800 m

Line up of remotely operated vehicle ROV: Mitsui RTV Series) to meet any demand. We supply tethered remotely operated vehicle (ROV: Mitsui RTV Series) to meet operator’s ...

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Mitsui Engineering & Shipbuilding
hull inspection underwater ROV
hull inspection underwater ROV

Maximum depth: 950, 300 m
Length: 625 mm
Width: 39 cm

... acquire data unlike a free swimming ROV. The vLBV300 with crawler skid represents the ultimate in versatility with the ability to conduct traditional ROV inspections as well as crawler inspections. ...

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intervention ROV
intervention ROV

... multibeam sonars And more! Integration with third-party modules is our primary goal, we never retrofit accessories to a standard ROV. This means our range of power, communication, and mounting options accommodate almost ...

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intervention underwater ROV
intervention underwater ROV
MD3 160

Maximum depth: 2,000 m

The MD3 Plough is recognised globally as setting the standard in cable ploughing offering reliable trenching in most soils including clays and sands. Using patented technology, the plough is designed to minimise pull force requirements ...

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observation ROV
observation ROV

Maximum depth: 600 m

... single function and/or two function manipulator, cleaning brush tool, skid packages, and more. The ROV-3000 pushes the limits of inspection class ROVs. This is not just a flying camera. This bad boy ...

inspection underwater ROV
inspection underwater ROV

Maximum depth: 350 m
Length: 680 mm
Width: 500 mm

The underwater watcher New look, Less water résistance Lightweight structure, improving carrying capacity Overall hardware upgrade, more interface Super Long Battery Life The built-in powerful battery can last up to 4hou rs without ...

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hull cleaning underwater ROV
hull cleaning underwater ROV

... vessel, a normal Work Class ROV needed to fly to the FPSO, and install the small plug 4 meters below the waterline.The operation took place during November, in the harsh North Sea environment. Due to the buoyancy of ...

observation ROV
observation ROV

Maximum depth: 300 m

... Aquabotix Endura is the latest evolution in Aquabotix’s proud history of innovative and advanced remote operated vehicles (ROVs). Endura is easy to use, portable (everything fits into one carry case), and can be customized ...

pipeline inspection underwater ROV
pipeline inspection underwater ROV

Maximum depth: 30 m

The Versatrax 300 is the solution to long-range pipe inspection challenges. Able to inspect more than two kilometers of pipe in a single run, the VT300 includes 3 onboard video cameras, multiple sensor options, and is operable in pipe ...

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Inuktun Europe
hull inspection underwater ROV
hull inspection underwater ROV

Maximum depth: 1 m - 60 m

HOVERING AUTONOMOUS UNDERWATER VEHICLE HAUV is a two-man-portable hovering AUV designed for ship hull inspection. Equipped with a high-resolution imaging sonar, it surveys ship hulls and other structures with minimal prior knowledge. ...

intervention underwater ROV
intervention underwater ROV

Maximum depth: 300 m

Mojave is the most powerful observation ROV for its size. Compact, ergonomic design and light weight construction allow for rapid set up and deployment using any domestic power supply. With world beating subCAN™ control ...

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intervention underwater ROV
intervention underwater ROV

Maximum depth: 305 m
Length: 50 cm
Width: 43 cm

... with near-instant familiarity. The ROV can perform complex maneuvers such as crabbing, climbing and pitching, and it can ascend, descend, move left, right, forward or backward with a single thumbstick gesture. The ROV’s ...

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intervention underwater ROV
intervention underwater ROV

Maximum depth: 600 m

The VVL-LD600-4000 underwater suction and filtration mining robot developed and manufactured by our company can quickly and effectively collect the underwater deposits to the surface by carrying the conveying system and the water surface ...

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Shandong Future Robot Co.,Ltd
pipeline inspection underwater ROV
pipeline inspection underwater ROV

Maximum depth: 1500'00"

The top-of the-line ROV For more action shots, check out our Photos/Videos page Fishers ROVs are completely mobile underwater camera systems that are controlled from the surface and capable of staying ...

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JW Fishers
pipeline inspection underwater ROV
pipeline inspection underwater ROV

This ROV is a mobile underwater camera system, controlled from the surface and capable of staying submerged indefinitely. The ROV is suited to a variety of subsea applications including pipeline inspections, ...

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Silvercrest Submarines
hull cleaning underwater ROV
hull cleaning underwater ROV

Maximum depth: 40 m
Length: 330 cm
Width: 170 cm

HullWiper collects marine fouling removed from hulls, rather than polluting local port water and risking the spread of harmful invasive species. Captured residues are pumped into a filter unit and then deposited into dedicated drums onshore, ...

hull cleaning ROV
hull cleaning ROV

The robot is able to capture all removed fouling, so that the water environment is not affected by the cleaning operation. This enables in port cleaning. Speed: 1.200 m2/hour • No divers Cleaning by high pressure water jets • Dimensions ...

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How to choose this product

An ROV, or remotely operated vehicle is a submarine robot capable of descending to great depths. It carries no crew, but is piloted from the surface. NauticExpo offers ROVs categorized by maximum working depth: <300 meters, <600 meters, <800 meters, etc.


These vehicles are used for both shallow and extremely deep underwater work in the oil industry, scientific research, underwater excavations and all manner of offshore operations.


The ROV is linked to the surface ship by an umbilicus incorporating power, control, fiber optic and other cables. Most have articulated arms, high-definition video cameras, lights and buoyancy systems. It also may carry a variety of sensors for scientific research and containers for sample recovery. Some can travel along the seabed on wheels or caterpillar treads.

How to choose

Choice will depend primarily on intended use and maximum working depth. The ROV may be equipped with mission-specific gear such as mechanical arms or lighting.


- No need for crew
- Great range