Sail rings

6 companies | 9 products
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{{#each product.featureValues}} {{content}} {{/each}}
{{#if product.productPrice }} {{#if product.productPrice.price }}

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{{#each product.featureValues}} {{content}} {{/each}}
{{#if product.productPrice }} {{#if product.productPrice.price }}

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{{/if}} {{#if product.hasVideo}}
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sail ring
sail ring
SR series

... press in the ring. The Super Ring is made out of high grade Swedish stainless steel and is being refined in a complex system of forming and blanking dies. When pressed onto a cloth, the teeth penetrate ...

sail ring
sail ring
TSR series

The Titanium Super Ring weighs 50% less than the original stainless steel ring. It is also non-conductive material, which is the best insurance against galvanic corrosion. This makes the titanium ring ...

sail ring
sail ring
QRS series

... a unique solution on the market. The ring could be described as a low friction ring, but made of two parts that are fastened together through the Super Ring and sailcloth, which centralises ...

sail ring
sail ring
Loop High Load®

The High Load Loop® made of Dyneema® R2 is a textile ring for heavy loads, ideal as a soft shackle. The specific feature of this product is that it is both a core and a sheath. + USES - Textile fastener for pulleys ...

container lashing ring
container lashing ring
Loop S High Load®

The High Load Loop® S made of Dyneema® R2 is a soft loop for heavy loads, ideal as a semi-rigid heavy-load fastener. + USE - Very light, resistant to tension and breakage - Textile fastener for toe rail, on boom and spas (spinnaker ...

sail ring
sail ring

sail ring
sail ring
8229 series

sail ring
sail ring

CRING0380 Carbon Rings These carbon corner rings were originally developed for the RC44 class spinnaker, where titanium is banned. These rings are constructed from a single tow of carbon ...

sail ring
sail ring
153 series

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