Reverse thrust boom vangs

3 companies | 4 products
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reverse thrust boom vang
reverse thrust boom vang

... word, being an upside down VANG) This is a new concept when it comes to kickers. It originates from sailing dinghies, and keelboat classes like Laser SB3, where it allows more space for the crew to move underneath the ...

reverse thrust boom vang
reverse thrust boom vang

... racing sailor after a quick tack or gybe, the Seldén gnav system provides the ultimate solution. Gnavs (or upside-down, reverse-thrust vang systems) are becoming very popular for both ...

reverse thrust boom vang
reverse thrust boom vang

The Allen dynamic rig adjustment kit has been developed to suit multiple applications and boats. Examples of applications include the Fireball horizontal mast strut, the 505 vertical mast strut and Graduate GNAV system. In all cases ...

rigid boom vang
rigid boom vang

... curved ends. A wonderful comfort effect is visible when lowering the mainsail, as in this case the main boom remains stationary and the Dirkleine or boom support is not immediately necessary. The spring ...

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