High-accuracy inertial navigation systems

2 companies | 6 products
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{{#each product.featureValues}} {{content}} {{/each}}
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ship inertial navigation system
ship inertial navigation system

+ Navigation with External GNSS Apogee-E connects to any survey grade GNSS receiver for navigation and aiding equipment such as odometer or DVL. This highly versatile Inertial Navigation ...

ship inertial navigation system
ship inertial navigation system

CERTUS is a GNSS aided Inertial Navigation System (INS) that provides accurate position, velocity, acceleration and orientation. It offers reliable data and 8 mm RTK position accuracy. ...

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Advanced Navigation
ship inertial navigation system
ship inertial navigation system
Certus Evo

CERTUS EVO is a ground breaking GNSS aided Inertial Navigation System (INS) that provides extremely accurate position, velocity, acceleration and orientation. It offers near FOG performance ...

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Advanced Navigation
ROV inertial navigation system
ROV inertial navigation system
Spatial FOG Dual

Spatial FOG Dual is a ruggedised GPS aided inertial navigation system and AHRS that provides accurate position, velocity, acceleration and orientation under the most ...

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Advanced Navigation
IMU inertial navigation system
IMU inertial navigation system

Orientus is a ruggedised miniature sensor and AHRS that provides accurate orientation under the most demanding conditions. It combines temperature calibrated accelerometers, gyroscopes and magnetometers in a sophisticated fusion algorithm ...

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Advanced Navigation
ship inertial navigation system
ship inertial navigation system
GNSS Compass

... in-one GNSS/INS navigation and heading solution. It provides accurate dual antenna GPS based heading that is not subject to magnetic interference and can maintain accurate heading during GNSS outages ...

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Advanced Navigation
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