Fiberglass masts

5 companies | 6 products
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{{#each product.featureValues}} {{content}} {{/each}}
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windsurf mast
windsurf mast

Our top of the line mast and the fastest, most flexible mast in the range. The 100% carbon prepreg construction uses the Torq-Preg. This unique prepreg material features +/- 45 degree fiber orientation. ...

windsurf mast
windsurf mast
M4 series

The Chinook Sailing Epoxy and Fiberglass Mast is a strong economical option for sailers on a budget. Chinook Epoxy Fiberglass SDM masts fill the void ...

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Chinook Sailing Products
windsurf mast
windsurf mast

The Chinook Sailing Epoxy Fiberglass RDM Kids Masts rig well, are forgiving, strong, and affordable. Epoxy and Fiberglass make a strong economical mast ...

See the other products
Chinook Sailing Products
windsurf mast
windsurf mast

... 4.40m. They are in 2 parts. Each has its own IMCS. The SDM 4.00m epoxy mast has an IMCS of 17. The SDM 4.30m epoxy mast has an IMCS of 21. CARE AND ADVICE To ...

windsurf mast
windsurf mast

... CSR-100 RDM are very few and certainly not fundamental. A small percentage of fiberglass makes it, on the other hand, heavy duty and suitable for high stress and washing machines in the waves more effectively. It ...

sailing dinghy mast
sailing dinghy mast

Fiberglass/epoxy mast designed for the O'pen Skiff. Responsive, yet flexible enough, it provides a good compromise between performance and control in stronger winds where it allows the sail to let ...

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