Efficient power
Outstanding reverse
Ultra smooth operation
Low drag
Externally adjustable pitch (no need for a haul out)
One piece installation (can be done easily by a diver, no need for a haul out)
Ideal for heavy displacement cruiser wanting the extra power and smoothness of a 5 blade
The MAX PROP WHISPER uses five blades to provide quiet operation and impressive thrust. Especially against heavy wind and seas, the fifth blade will maintain boat speed on a heavy vessel. Also, the fifth blade provides a smoother operation quieting down propeller noise on larger applications.
The WHISPER is based on the EASY design, so it ships fully assembled, making installation and pitch changes simple and fast. The pitch is adjustable 2 degree increments, providing the ability to fine tune the loading of the engine. Moreover, pitch adjustment can be done in the water as the propeller does not need to be disassembled to change the pitch.
The WHISPER is designed for larger moderate to heavy displacement vessels. Which can benefit from the extra thrust and quiet performance of a five blade propeller.
Very helpful also in applications where the propulsion system has very reduced space.