Teak deck adhesives

3 companies | 3 products
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polymer adhesive
polymer adhesive
MATT FLEX / M.P.A "B" / M.P.A "G" / M.P.A "I"

... crack. Rich in additives of adhesiveness what enables it to adhere even on wet surfaces. Can be used for the caulking of teak decks as it is very resistant to U.V. and weathering. Can be sandpapered and painted.

epoxy adhesive
epoxy adhesive

... marine applications Sikaflex®-298 is a slightly thixotropic 1-component polyurethane adhesive which cures on exposure to atmospheric humidity. It is used for Teak deck bedding. Sikaflex®-298 ...

single-component adhesive
single-component adhesive
MPS 4000

... elastomeric, waterresistant, moisture cure, STPU bonding adhesive for marine applications. Designed for bedding deck materials including teak, composite decking and deck ...

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