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Boat chain G40
for shipsfor shipyardsfor marinas

boat chain
boat chain
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Application domain
for boats, for ships, for shipyards, for marinas
anchor, windlass

Min.: 6 mm
(0.2 in)

Max.: 20 mm
(0.8 in)


Chain Marine cable, Guide chain, anchor chain Standard ISO 4565: FRENCH MANUFACTURING Grade 40 These chains are suitable for use on ship's windlass. They are used for: - Building mooring lines, ship anchors. - Maintenance uses. The chains manufactured in the Chaineries Limousines factory respect: - The quality of the raw materials. - The welding process (imperative of the standard). - The standards and qualities of galvanization, according to standard EN ISO 1461. - Traceability with a marking. - Calibration, tested and proven 100%. For the mooring of your boats we offer our range of chain for windlass. OUR TIPS The length of the mooring line must be equal to 5 times the height of the water. A mooring line can be a single piece, but commonly associated with a cable and link shackles. The strength of your anchor line is defined by the weakest element in it. Improving our galvanizing process ensures long lifespans of our chains. Major manufacturers favor our know-how in 1st assembly. Remember that to increase the longevity of your mooring line, it is advisable to: - Rinse the mooring with fresh water (do not clean with acid products) - Regularly check your chain for signs of abrasion, wear or shocks.
*Prices are pre-tax. They exclude delivery charges and customs duties and do not include additional charges for installation or activation options. Prices are indicative only and may vary by country, with changes to the cost of raw materials and exchange rates.