Salinity sensors

2 companies | 3 products
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depth transducer
depth transducer
Orbit 880

Power source: 12 V
Overall length: 200 mm
Overall width: 220 mm

... temperature, depth, salinity and sea current, both magnitude and direction. As an option, it can be fitted with a winch, enabling measurements from several depths. The system will automatically and repeatedly position ...

See the other products
salinity sensor
salinity sensor
Orbit 890

Power source: 12 V
Overall length: 39 mm
Overall width: 36 mm

Orbit 890 is a fully integrated sensor for measuring the electrical conductivity of seawater. The conductivity sensor is based on an inductive principle, which provides stable measurement without electrodes ...

See the other products
depth transducer
depth transducer

Overall length: 370 mm

UNDERWATER ENVIRONMENTAL SENSOR Enki is a net-mounted underwater sensor that lets you collect ocean data while you fish. COLLECT YOUR OWN OCEAN DATA Enki collects temperature, salinity, ...

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