Polyurethane thinners

6 companies | 8 products
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polyurethane thinner
polyurethane thinner

Seajet Thinner P is recommended for Seajet 130 Gloss Varnish and Seajet 132 Polyurethane. Thinner for easier application and for cleaning brushes and spray equipment. Technical Data ...

polyurethane thinner
polyurethane thinner

Thinners for the following products: EVERGLOSS (spraygun), FLEXY smalto (spraygun)

polyurethane thinner
polyurethane thinner

Spray application and tool cleaner for Hempel’s two component polyurethane paint and Diamond Varnish

See the other products
Hempel Yacht
polyurethane thinner
polyurethane thinner

Medium thinner for polyurethane bi-component products.

polyurethane thinner
polyurethane thinner

Mixture of quick-drying solvents (esters and ketones).

polyurethane thinner
polyurethane thinner

When an application is very important to use a solvent which will ensure the proper performance of paint - flow, time, speed drying.

See the other products
Sea-Line Troton sp. zo.o.
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