EPDM handles

2 companies | 3 products
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inflatable boat handle
inflatable boat handle

This modern handle features a cleat for easy attachment of a rope at either end . Available in Black, Light Grey (RAL 7035) and Mid Grey (7038). Base size: 260 x 95mm / 290 x 95mm Height: 50 mm Material: EPDM ...

inflatable boat handle
inflatable boat handle
NCA90350 series

The EPDM handle is a rubber handle often used on RIBs. It is supplied by CEREDI NAUTICA in Italy, a specialist supplier of boat equipment and accessories for many years. This handle ...

inflatable boat handle
inflatable boat handle

Made of EPDM with a beautiful and elegant appearance, it is very durable and hard-wearing. It is suitable for small and large inflatable boats. It can also be used as a cleat due to its design.

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