Boat clinometers

4 companies | 6 products
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boat clinometer
boat clinometer

The DanEI-300 Electronic Inclinometer is an advanced heel and pitch measuring device which is not sensitive to horizontal and vertical accelerations. This will provide information to a better understanding of the ship‘s ...

boat inclinometer
boat inclinometer

Module SDI01 is a high-resolution digital inclinometer for pitch and roll with manual calibration. It’s a plug and play device that doesn’t require any configurations apart from simple calibration. It is fully compatible ...

boat clinometer
boat clinometer

Clinometer with chrome-plated brass binnacle and black lettering on a white dial. With mounting ring for easy installation and fixing. Base: 120 mm Dial: 110 mm Top height: 35 mm Case finish: Chrome

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Autonautic Instrumental
boat clinometer
boat clinometer

Clinometer with black lettering on a white dial. With mounting ring for easy installation and fixing. AUTONAUTIC clocks, chronometers and weather instruments combine traditional design and the stylishness of the finest ...

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Autonautic Instrumental
boat clinometer
boat clinometer

Black poliamide nautical clinometer for indoor and outdoor use in white digits on black dial. Base: 110 mm Dial: 100 mm Top height: 40 mm Case finish: Polyamide

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Autonautic Instrumental
boat inclinometer
boat inclinometer

Electronic inclinometer IM330 is a device to measure ship hull posture, including roll actual angle, roll period, roll amplitude, pitch actual angle, pitch period, pitch amplitude, date, time, longitude and latitude. It ...

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How to choose this product

A boat clinometer, or inclinometer indicates the heeling angle of a sailboat, i.e., its angle from the vertical. The models offered on NauticExpo are intended for use on leisure craft.


This device is particularly useful on monohull sailboats for sail trim when the vessel's heel reaches an angle that might hinder it's progress through the water.


Digital clinometers comprise a heel sensor and an LCD display. In analog models, a needle or an air bubble (as in a line level) displays the heel angle on a graduated scale.