Qastor, by QPS (Quality Positioning Services BV), is a powerful electronic charting system that gives pilots easy-to-use and easy-to-understand information. QPS has been developing portable electronic charting and navigation systems for the marine pilot since 2000.
Qastor is offered as a standard software licence with several add-on modules to suit the individual needs of ports and pilots. Currently the software is licensed to a physical dongle - available options are USB or Express Card/34.
Integrated voice recording is available in Qastor (2.50 version). This can be very practical for analysis of the voyage or training. For users of Panasonic CF-19s, or other machines that do not have an integrated microphone, it is necessary to either plug in a microphone or to use a Bluetooth microphone.
The standard Qastor licence is for Navigation Mode, which contains features such as:
Danger detection and avoidance
Enhanced route planning and verification
Dynamic under keel clearance
Accurate navigation in confined waters
Real-time tide reduction
Swept path vessel prediction
AIS integration and target viewer with advanced CPA functions
Recording and replay
DXF overlay
S-57 ENCs, ARCS or 'C-Map Professional' charts
Interactive Height of Tide
Route creation
Curved path prediction for monitoring turns
Manual distance-off
Full display of all AIS data, either from integrated AIS or from Pilot Plug
AIS Database for speedy recognition of vessel data
Predict CPAs and calculate meeting points of AIS target, both Line-Of-Sight or Along Route
Full recording and replay