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Sailboat autopilot AP4
for motor boatsstandard

sailboat autopilot
sailboat autopilot
sailboat autopilot
sailboat autopilot
sailboat autopilot
sailboat autopilot
sailboat autopilot
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Application domain
for sailboats, for motor boats


The AP4 autopilot is a rugged & reliable pilot for use on all s orts of vessels, motor or sail, commercial or pleasure. The front panel has large control knobs for ease o f use in all sea conditions. It has various special modes of operation to cater for all different requirements. DISPLAY MODES STANDBY MODE: The autopilot displays the current magnetic heading and will not apply any steering control. GPS MODE: The digital display shows the current magnetic heading. The autopilot does not apply any steering corrections. AUTO MODE: The autopilot maintains your boat on the selected magnetic course. Course can be set or changed by rotating the Course knob or from a remote steering station. GPS MODE: When receiving information from a GPS unit, the autopilot can steer a vessel along a preset track to a precise latitude and longitude. COMMERCIAL WATCH TIMER: For vessels under survey. The timer can be set to give a warning alarm at a fixed preset time and provide an output control signal for a loud external alarm 1 minute after the internal alarm sounds. POWER STEER: The rudder may be controlled by the course knob on the main panel or from a remote steering station. WATCH TIMER: A timer can be set for 1 to 120 minutes. When the time expires, an alarm sounds. Uses include timing of trawling runs or a reminder to check for anchor drag at set periods.
*Prices are pre-tax. They exclude delivery charges and customs duties and do not include additional charges for installation or activation options. Prices are indicative only and may vary by country, with changes to the cost of raw materials and exchange rates.