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Aquaculture fish grader 1949 / 1953 / 1954

aquaculture fish grader
aquaculture fish grader
aquaculture fish grader
aquaculture fish grader
aquaculture fish grader
aquaculture fish grader
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Breeding type
for aquaculture


Product description For medium- and large-scale operations This machine allows to very quickly and simply do a three calibre sorting of your fish. PVC-pipes (Ø 120 mm) transporting the fish to the corresponding pond can be connected to each funnel. Every funnel is watered sufficiently to protect the fish. The fish-hose (-pipe) can be connected on either side. Sorting cradles and funnels are made of Polyester, the undercarriage is made of stainless steel.Water feed 1 1/2" 50 Ø Dimensions Length: 200 cm Width: 110 cm Height: 120 cm Important: Every sorting grate of the sorting cradle can be used. Workflow: The fish will be fished into the sorting cradle 1 on the top, which is equipped with the biggest sorting grate. The biggest fish stay in the cradle and will be emptied from the side, on the picture to the left, into the outlet funnel 1. Smaller fish fall down before into the underlying sorting cradle 2, and more smaller fish fall through into the underlying outlet funnel 3. The remaining fish in the sorting grate 2 will be tilted to the right into the outlet funnel 2.
*Prices are pre-tax. They exclude delivery charges and customs duties and do not include additional charges for installation or activation options. Prices are indicative only and may vary by country, with changes to the cost of raw materials and exchange rates.