Track end-stops with a sheave

2 companies | 4 products
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{{/end}} {{/each}}


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track end-stop with a sheave
track end-stop with a sheave
HTX series

A range of spares and accessories to suit Lewmar's HTX range of travellers and end-stops.

track end-stop with a sheave
track end-stop with a sheave
NTR Size 3 series

For boats up to 22m (72ft). Cars have fully machined ball races. Fit original Size 3 track.

track end-stop with a sheave
track end-stop with a sheave
Size 1 HTX series

... to 12 metres (38 foot) ■ Minimalistic car body made of fewer parts ■ Compact, one-piece aluminium body and composite end caps designed with smoother lines ■ Available in multiple configurations to suit every application

track end-stop with a sheave
track end-stop with a sheave

Pair of control line end stops with sheaves for 32mm track, available with silver or black anodization.

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