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- Oil spill boom
Oil spill booms
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VikoFlex Boom is a curtain boom with internal foam buoyancy. It is suitable for oil spill response or for permanent installation. It is robust, easy to deploy and is ...
The Foam Filled Oil boom is a light-weight oil boom that is easy to handle and can be deployed in emergency conditions as well as permanent deployments. The boom ...
Geoseas Marine Protection and Demarcation Products Manufacturing LLC
The Harbor boom is a heavy-duty boom that is used in permanent installation especially near harbors and water intake. The heavy-duty oil resistant rubber material of the boom ...
Geoseas Marine Protection and Demarcation Products Manufacturing LLC
The solid floatation boom is a very cost-effective solution that can be deployed at calm waters, harbors, and rivers. Made of cylindrical floats that are separated by PVC welded sections to easily deploy and remove. The ...
Geoseas Marine Protection and Demarcation Products Manufacturing LLC
Immediate boom deployment for oil spill containment Markleen Seamaster self-inflatable oil contaiment booms are the best option when the key requirements ...
... upon the desired type of service. Debris booms are based on Lamor’s proven history in oil spill containment and recovery. Debris Booms are made with either heavy-duty ...
Oil Booms Protect marine environments from oil spills. Our Oil Booms are primarily used in port, harbour, pipeline and intake projects, ...
... Possibility of fixing several booms between them thanks to a vertical junction system of the skirts by 50 mm velcro over the entire height, TITAN eyelets and turnstiles, and hooks at each end. Applications: - containment ...
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