Electric generator sets

5 companies | 6 products
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electric generator set
electric generator set

Output power: 2.5 kW
Power in kVA: 3.2 kVA
Voltage: 230 V

Electrical Measures Line Voltages - Star Voltage - Frequency - Load Current - Output Power - Generating Set Parameters RPM - Battery Voltage - Counter - Starter Counter - Accessories Remote ...

hydrogen generator set
hydrogen generator set

Output power: 88, 80 kVA
Power in kVA: 100, 1,000 kVA
Voltage: 230 V - 400 V

... connecting with diesel or gas generators, and even the grid. It is this flexibility in its implementation that makes the GEH2 the ideal partner for the supply of autonomous decarbonated energy. A smart and connected ...

electric generator set
electric generator set

Output power: 70 kW
Voltage: 650, 725 V

... power levels of 70 kW per unit, up to 1MW when stacked. It is this flexibility in implementation that makes REXH2 the ideal generator for tailor-made hydrogen solutions for propulsion and the supply of decarbonated energy ...

diesel generator set
diesel generator set

Generating sets for diesel-electric drives generate the electrical energy to supply the propulsion system of a ship. The energy is supplied to electric engines to drive the propellers. This ...

electric generator set
electric generator set

Output power: 100 W - 1,000,000 W

HIGH-PRECISION AND DYNAMIC Both direct current, synchronous and asynchronous motors can be designed as servo motors. Together with a servo amplifier (also servo controller) they then form the so-called servo drive. With this drive, torque, ...

electric generator set
electric generator set

... control The Powertec generator is equipped with remote control function. Since the control command of the ship, you can monitor and control the operation of the generator in real time. Safety and ...

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