Boat day shapes

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boat day shape
boat day shape
0054 series

SIGNAL BALL Black, used during day on the highest place of the boat to indicate its anchoring. Two of these balls placed vertically indicate absence of government of a boat.

boat day shape
boat day shape
3600 series

boat day shape
boat day shape

boat day shape
boat day shape

Besto Day Shape signals for use in ships, tugboats and dredgers. Meet the rules of requirements for navigational restrictions. To avoid collisions on sea. Day Shape signals ...

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boat day shape
boat day shape

Day Signals or Day Shapes are used for communcation . There are five types of day shapes: Circle, Diamond, Cone Apex Pointed Up, Cone ...

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boat day shape
boat day shape

A lightweight and rubust Inflatable Anchor Ball, made in hard wearing Hypalon fabric, with a diameter of 60cms. Meets International requirements for size. Inflatable with normal dinghy pump.

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